Tuesday, June 17, 2003

class opened last 5 june 2003.

last tuesday afternoon, 10 june 2003, we saw Fil off to BS Nursing at Fatima.

last night, ailynne, tetet, and melissa (tetet's former roommate), came to visit me at navarra.

today, 17 june 2003, tue, I had lunch with joan ruth barcenal. I learned a lot about who she is, beyond being the textmate who sends wise insights just in time to save me from making the wrong decisions about some relationships I have.

Joan is here in Manila until October. She needs prayers for her upcoming ECE board exams. She is as Godly, modest, and thoughtful as she ever was. Since the leadership training 5 years ago, she has moved to Antique from Iloilo. She lives beside a highway, but has a beach across from her house, a mountain in her backyard, and their family's very own waterfall. Her family is a church-planting family, so she's lived in various places over her lifetime.

why do I change when others don't? why am I so different from who I used to be?

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

25 may 2003, sun.

Group art activity at MAB hall, Philippine Heart Center. 8:30am - 3pm

Abie & I arrived at 10am. We joined Rachel Tan's group, led by Kuya Leander. The topic assigned was "Magic!". Among other kids, there was also a 4th grader nicknamed "Chuchay", who I kind of teamed up with, coloring & lettering our share of the cartolina mural. When I told her I wanted long, waist-length hair, to wear in braids, like hers, she told me to simply "avoid haircuts." Maybe I will!

1 june 2003, sun.

Art class Graduation. MAB.

Mr. Fernando B. Sena's alumni gave the opening remarks. His art workshop has been on since 1975. They plan to nominate him "Father of Philippine Art Workshop". He can teach art, even to young children, as I've experienced in his class at Isometric. I hope he will be so honored someday, or soon.